Earth, the Iron Planet
本特集では、鉄から私たちの生環境(=Habitat Building)を考えようとした。鉄は地球を構成する最多の元素である。地球の中心から表面までどこにでも存在する。地球は鉄の惑星なのだ。さらに私たちに流れる赤い血液を思い起こせば、鉄は生命の維持にも欠かせないものであることは明らかだ。
In this special issue we contemplate the role of iron in the history of habitat building. Iron makes up more of the Earth than any other element. It can be found in every part of the planet, from the core to the surface: the Earth is a planet of iron. And, if we consider the content of the red blood that courses through our veins, iron is obviously indispensable to life on Earth as well.
Iron gave birth to a robust civilization and thus to the real beginning of human history. When people began actively extracting ore from the Earth’s iron deposits, it signified the first step in the development of the modern global system. With the transformation of iron into steel we were able to build skyscrapers and sprawling cities; today, our search for new habitats is even taking us into outer space. In a word, it is iron that created Building Mode 3.
Iron is indeed an extraordinary substance, but the purpose of this special issue is not to extol its mystical virtues. Our interest has been in enlisting the participation of writers with diverse perspectives in an exploration of the vast range of research associated with iron. The results should give us a better understanding of the direction science must take from this point forward. We hope that this issue will contribute in some small way to the study of iron and with it, the future of the Earth.
(Third Issue Editors: Takashi Ito, Norihito Nakatani, Naohiko Hino, Noriko Matsuda)
[2021.10.4 UPDATE]