

Development of Ecological Thought: Reconstructing from the Viewpoint of Habitat Building History



これは単に言葉の用法の問題ではなく、エコロジーの理念、エコロジーに対する期待、すなわち、「何をもってエコロジカルとするか?」という判断基準が人によって異なるという深刻な問題を含んでいる。そして、その問題の核となるエコロジー自体も変化を続けている。公害反対運動、絶滅危惧種の保護や開発反対を含む自然保護運動、反原発運動、気候変動(地球温暖化)への関心の高まり、気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)や「持続可能な開発目標(Sustainable Development Goals:SDGs)」など社会的要請による影響を強く受けているためだ。




In Japan, the term “Ecology” or “Eco” has been used frequently since environmental pollution occurred. This term is derived from the academic discipline of ecology, one branch of biology. However, the term “Ecology” or “Eco” is now used in surprisingly broad contexts that are different from the original definition in natural science. What does our word “Ecology” or “Eco” mean? To what extent can we understand meaning of “Ecology” or “Eco” that the other person uses? Someone may use the term “Ecology” to indicate roles or behaviors of organisms in ecosystem, while others may use the term “Ecology” to quest for harmonization of human beings with nature.

This is not simply an issue of word usage, because the answer to the question “By what criteria can we judge ecological or not?” could differ from person to person. In addition, “Ecology” itself is changing through its history associated with environmental pollution, protection of endangered species, nature protection, anti-nuclear movement, and increasing concerns on climate change (global warming) and SDGs. Research on ecology has existed before academic discipline of ecology was defined. Today, ecology includes abundance of organisms, classification, behaviors of population (including reproduction), and evolution etc. Although the aim of natural science is limited to understand processes of organisms and ecosystems, social community tends to interpret the findings of ecology to understand human behavior and origin. Actually, some of findings on ecology have been applied to human society and politics. Especially, the findings on evolution were used to validate slavery, social Darwinism, eugenics, Communism, and wars.

Habitat building history is not free from issues of ecology ambiguity, because habitat is one of key words in ecology. Habitat does not simply mean static location, but it also includes niche and roles of humans in dynamic systems. To re-build new habitat of humans, definition, scope, and ambiguity of ecology need to be re-evaluated. In this issue, we attempted to extract risks and potentials in ecology by tracing origin and development of ecology that could differ between natural science and human ecology, between academic and social communities, and between individuals.

(5th Issue Editors: Kazumichi Fujii, Akihito Aoi, Naohiko Hino, Tatsushi Fujihara)

協賛/SUPPORT サントリー文化財団(2020年度)、一般財団法人窓研究所 WINDOW RESEARCH INSTITUTE(2019〜2021年度)、公益財団法人ユニオン造形財団(2022年度〜)