

How We Investigate and Perceive the Earth — The Whole Earth Database







The previous issue, Number 7, examined the historical process from the Middle Ages onward, where the science of the Earth diverged from geography and specialized into many scientific fields. As these scientific fields became more specialized, their methods were refined to match the characteristics of each field, rapidly increasing the resolution of our understanding of the Earth. The cutting-edge results of these efforts are now available in databases. This issue focuses on those databases.

We are now in an era where societal issues must be examined based on objective and verifiable evidence. Therefore, the data we rely on becomes critically important. This data is often highly specialized, making it difficult to scrutinize when it falls outside one’s area of expertise. This is especially true for controversial societal issues. Since it is practically impossible to be knowledgeable in every scientific field, handling reliable data based on trust becomes necessary to some extent.

Given this background, this issue centers on a survey in which we asked experts from various fields to recommend the databases they actually use. We would like to express our gratitude to the experts who cooperated with this survey. Habitat Building History spans both natural and human aspects, and this knowledge extends beyond human scales to encompass the scale of the Earth. Knowing where to find appropriate databases that reflect current scientific knowledge in these fields is valuable.

These databases are built upon the disciplines of their respective scientific fields, and appropriate consideration is required when connecting them. It is good that our knowledge has increased, but it should not be recklessly patched together without due consideration. However, this knowledge should not be confined within the boundaries of each specialized field. It should be used boldly yet carefully. This issue is dedicated to such challenges.

(8th Issue editors: Naohiko Hino, Takashi Ito, Noriko Matsuda)

[2024.5.31 UPDATE]

協賛/SUPPORT サントリー文化財団(2020年度)、一般財団法人窓研究所 WINDOW RESEARCH INSTITUTE(2019〜2021年度)、公益財団法人ユニオン造形財団(2022年度〜)